Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Weekend

Friday night we had a family outing where Elliott and I attended our first (and perhaps last) BYU game! As you can see, we had a great time kicking Utah State's trash! Elliott fell asleep during the 3rd quarter, I couldn't believe that any living thing would be able to sleep through that racket! But when he was awake he seemed to really enjoy it.

Saturday consisted of Preston watching Elliott and doing homework all day while I went yard saleing with mom and brooke! I spent $5 and got LOADS of great stuff! Most of them are projects, some for etsy! Can you tell I'm excited?

General Conference was also a large part of our weekend. There were some incredible talks! I think one of my favorites was definitely Elder Holland's talk. Awesome!

This weekend, we also celebrated dad's birthday!!

Isn't that the loveliest rendition of "happy birthday" you've ever heard? It warms my heart!
Listen close to what Hayes says at the very end of the video!

Elliott made this face for the longest time, so I had to get a picture.

Ella and Elliott are becoming great play pals. Elliott just loves watching Hayes and Ella.

Dad got some sweet motorcycle gear to use on his harley.

He loved his new knife he got from Brooke

And he FINALLY got the tea kettle he wanted. Its the same exact one that I have, but a more masculine color. They aren't making this anymore, so it was a bit of a search. But well worth it! I think EVERYONE should have one of these!

Hope your weekend was as wonderful as ours!


lisa said...

i'll admit that i watched that video several times. happy birthday chuck! i hope you post your projects that you are working on!

Steve and Donna said...

fun to see the Eaglestons singing. hmmm.....
So your Dad has a Harley now?

Laine said...


Kersey said...

Yep. Dad has a harley with a back seat for my mom. They both seem to enjoy it, though, I can't say I particularly care for motorcycles and their safety record...