So, last week I read something on a friend's blog that inspired me. She attempted to clean out her craft closet, and would have finished I am sure, but she was happily interrupted with a surprise from her husband. SO, I got to thinking. My "craft closet" is actually our second bedroom. Which just so happens to also be our study, and more importantly, Elliott's room. My friend inspired me to clean up that entire room.
So, I did.
This is my creating space. I realize that it's still a bit cluttered, but hey, it's 3 rooms in 1! Now when people come over, I don't have to make sure the door to this room is shut! I am exited though because Preston told me yesterday that he thinks I should make this space "me." I take that as the ok to do WHATEVER I want! Which is pretty much what I usually do, but with the possibility of Preston in the back of my mind saying "eh, I don't like that." Not this time.
This space is MINE!!
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