Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Tremendous Tuesday

Today started normal. Woke up, went to class, met with a Professor to take a quiz. So forth. Then I decided to wait on campus for a while till the stock room opened up so I could buy some book making supplies. (I am feeling a book making frenzy coming on!)

Then I came home, worked, played with Elliott, had an oh so delicious peach, a cup of tea and then, I had an epiphany! I decided to go on a walk with Elliott. So I got him all suited up. Sweat pants and hoodie, all over top of his jammies (don't judge.) Of course Preston couldn't resist, so it became a family outing! We walked down center street and looked around, went into an antique shop (bought some things), and went to our favorite SUPER cheap and SUPER good sushi place! Then we walked home.

A little while later, Carrie came over and shared all of her excessively good news ;)
Then I was off to DI where I bought some more treasures!

It was a great day. Family, friends, antiques and sushi!


Steve and Donna said...

that was a fun day indeed! You're posting alot lately- way to go! Look at mine when you get a chance.

elise and jeff said...

Hi Kersey it's Elise-I love blogs and saw yours on the DeVries'! Now we can blog-stalk eachother :)

Carrie said...

Yes, there was a lot of excessively good news :). Thanks for listening and being excited for me, and hopefully it'll keep coming! Haha. I'm glad you guys had a great day, and can I just say, Elliott looked soooooooooo cute in his SWEATS...yes I did just say that like Nacho!

lisa said...

elliott, "i need to borrow some sweats", couldnt resist :) he looks like the most squeezable and irresistable little man! i cant wait to hear carries news...i have a feeling i know what it might involve!!!!!