Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today was my very last day of class. EVER! I feel so liberated. Now I just have to finish finals week and I never have to step on campus again. I feel like I need to celebrate.

Any ideas as to how??

I didn't make myself a banner. I just found it on google.


Larissa said...

take a mini vacation- just get a night in a hotel in a gorgeous snowy canyon and read and sip hot tea, husband and child are optional :)

Larissa said...

oh yeah,,,,, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Time to buy a diploma frame!

Kersey said...

haha thanks!

lisa said...

WOWZER!!! i am humbled by your brain power! way to go kerz! its been a long road, but YOU DID IT! i say go get some ice cream and then have a mini dance party in your living room with the music LOUD, maybe a little bowie and the cars... this of course, is the cheaper way to celebrate...even though i would much prefer larissa's idea!