Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Village

So, we're up here in Ogden/Huntsville for the holidays. Down on 25th in historic downtown Ogden they have a whole block dedicated to these tiny houses and Christmas lights. It was a lot of fun seeing the kid's reactions, but MAN was it COLD! Some handled it better than others. It was a lovely family outing, and we topped it all off with hot chocolate!

Ella was SO cute! When you asked her "where's the sheep?" she would look around for it and then point emphatically at the sheep! Same thing with baby Jesus etc.

and, I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that's a cemetery in the middle of the CHILDREN'S Christmas village.


lisa said...

that looks like sooo much fun, freakin cold, but fun. im glad to see everyone so bundled up! i was just thinking, this afternoon in fact, how much i miss the eagleston family during the holidays.... its not the same with out laughs and hugs from kerz, wassail from terry, and kettle corn from court. somehow we'll make it through i think...

Kersey said...

aww thanks lease! I miss me some Browne's (Browers)! Hope you all have a FANTASTIC Christmas!

Laine said...

That is funny about the cemetary..what's up with that? Beautiful pictures! Love you to you all from the Currys!