Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I believe that blogs are an OK place to brag, right? Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am done with my Christmas shopping! I am so proud of myself! The only problem with having this done so early is that you are much more likely to KEEP BUYING things for people. "Oh! Brooke would LOVE that!" or, "Mom would look GREAT in THAT!" I guess luckily for me (and of course our bank accounts), I don't shop very often. My biggest problem is going to be resisting Etsy. And to help keep track of what I have bought, I made myself a Christmas Book!

I made it with enough pages so it should last for years to come. That way it junctions as a sort of Christmas journal also. I can look back and see what the kids wanted , what they actually got and about how much was spent.

In other news, I have swine flu. At first we were a little worried. I was nauseous for a couple days, but then all of the other symptoms hit so we knew I was probably just sick and not expecting another little one. (yikes) I have been in bed for the last few days (with bathroom breaks coming far to often), watching seasons 1-5 of Monk, eating rice pudding, Oreos (double stuf), and chicken noodle soup (thanks mom!). I am staying out of public as much as possible so as to not spread this awful illness. Hopefully it will be over VERY soon.

Due to my illness, my house is a wreck! Elliott is almost out of bottles, we are completely out of dishes and the laundry, well, I think that's enough said.

Classes are going well I guess, it is my last semester. (thank heavens) I officially applied for graduation! I will be SO glad to be able to say I WAS an english major.

Elliott has 6 teeth and says two words. "mama" and "baba" (baba=dada...we think) Mama is his favorite word ;)

Preston has quit NuSkin but has some fantastic publishing, and movie making opportunities along with working as a research assistant for a Professor on campus. He is researching and applying for grad schools and is also taking the GRE. Wish him luck! We need full ride baby!

Other than that, we are just enjoying the crisp weather and of course, TEA SEASON!


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better real soon and I got my prize today in the mail. Very cute! Thanks again! :) said...

woops- that was me! (Donna)

lisa said...

oh kerz, i hope you start feeling better soon! i cant imagine going through everything you have to go through and add swine flu on top of it all! my cousin that lives in provo just got over must be spreading there like wildfire

Larissa said...

uh, i thought i read the post thoroughly but i never caught what that was on elliot's head, or does he always look like that?
ps- dumb flu

Carrie said...

Kersey! Are you feeling any better? Do you need me to come by and wash some bottles and clean up a little? I know you don't want to get anyone sick, but I feel just awful! PLEASE let me know if I can do anything!!!!

Kersey said...

that picture of Elliott is just to show his 98th% of a head! his shirts always get stuck, so we leave them stuck sometimes for sport. We're great parents, I know.

Kersey said...

Carrie -

I think I will make sure Preston gets it all done. But thanks. ;)