We have been introducing new fruits and veggies to Ellliott lately by using a food grinder and this little mesh feeder. He LOVES the mesh feeder! So far, I would have to say his favorite foods are strawberries and pears. He is hilarious to watch eat! He gets so excited he starts to bang the mesh feeder against his body while grunting and squealing! Unfortunately, I didn't get THAT on tape...but here is a glimpse of him with the strawberries.
Sorry the video gets blurry. Too much movement I guess!
He's getting so big! And he lives the mesh feeder? I've always wondered if kids go for those, but I guess so! We'll have to try one with Adam.
Yeah! He REALLY loves it. When you take it away he immediately breaks into a loud scream. Hopefully that doesn't continue once he is able to speak! Good luck with Adam, I hope he loves them too!
man! i cant get over how much he looks like BOTH of you! its crazy! ive never seen a baby look so much like both parents...good work you guys! oh yeah, everett loved the mesh thingy too!
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