Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What I Gave (to some) for Christmas!

These are some of the creations I gave (and still have yet to give) to a few local friends.

Are you wondering "what the heck is that?" ?

Maybe now you know?
Well, if not, they are cake stands! Except, I made brownies for everyone! It was a lot of fun making them and a lot of fun seeing a few people's reactions when I told them that the cake stand was theirs to keep! So fun! Do you like them?
Don't you want one?

I did, that's how I got started, and this was my first one!
3 tiered! I want to use it for chips or veggies and dip!
They are SO fun, SO unique and SO easy to make!

1 comment:

Laine said...

awesome Kerz! I love them!