Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grandma Came to Town!

Preston's mom, Linda came and visited us for a little over a week. It was so wonderful having her here. Most people can't say that they love being with and talking to their mother-in-law, but I certainly can. Elliott had an absolute blast with her. These pictures above were of when she had just landed. Look how happy he is! They definitely have a special bond. They went to the park, she got him loads of new educational toys and books and they even went to story time at the library! Yep, Elliott was a very spoiled little boy for those 10 days. Unfortunately, the day came when Linda had to go home and here was Elliott's reaction:
"Grandma, come back!"


Steve and Donna said...

just what a hopes for- hugs, kisses and being missed! :)

lisa said...

awww, those first pics melt my heart! what a sweet boy!!! i bet grandma campbell felt just as sad as elliott did when she had to go home!

Carrie said...

Those are so cute!!! He looks like he remembers her! That is just pure joy on that little face!! On Grandma's face as well!! Haha. Priceless.

Unknown said...

thats the cutest the last picture :)

Anonymous said...


